Community Feature- Britt Phalen

What inspires you?
Seeing people do what they love for no reason other then because they are passionate about it and willing to sacrifice and put the work in to achieve there dreams.
What do you prefer bike racing or ski racing?
I love both sports as they compliment each other and feel quite similar to me. Technically and mentally and the thrills I get from both are almost the same. I like having both sports as they both allow me to progress and I get to race year round and one sport really helps the other. Skiing is still my main sport so sometimes this comes with more pressure then bike racing, but I try to focus on enjoying the races and not let external pressure take away from performing in both.
What is your superpower?
I think my superpower is being adaptable. In competition and life, I always have an ideal plan and preparation that will put me in a good place to have a shot at succeeding. Often in race environments and life, things can change very quickly and sometimes for the better and sometimes worse. No matter the situation I try and stay calm and assess the new challenges quickly and be adaptable and open to the change.
What are you doing to change the world?
I try to inspire younger shredders and show through my actions everyday, that if you have a dream and are willing to work hard enough for it then nothing is out of reach. I also really like mentoring younger athletes and use my experience to hopefully help them avoid mistakes I made when I was younger, or just make sure they know they have someone there.
Favourite quote:
Hard work trumps talent that refuses to work hard.